Arrival Policy
For your protection, and that of others, all dogs must be on a leash and properly controlled while in the waiting area or exam rooms. All cats must be presented in an appropriate cat carrier or on a harness and leash.
If you have a pet that is known to be aggressive towards people or animals, we ask that you call and let us know when you arrive, and we will place you directly into an exam room.
Appointment Policy
To allow ample time for all patients and scheduled surgical procedures, we operate by appointment only. Emergency cases shall always receive top priority, which is why occasional appointment delay is inevitable. Please realize that we make a sincere attempt to see each client on time.
Due to a high volume of missed appointments (no call/ no show) we now require appointment deposits for all surgeries, and new clients. If an existing client has 2 or more missed appointments, deposits will be required to continue services. All deposits will be credited at the time of appointment. Deposits are forfeit if an appointment is missed with out 24 hours notice.
New Client Appt Deposit $25 Existing Client Appt Deposit $20 Spay/Neuter Deposit $35 Surgical Deposit $100 Emergency Deposit $200 For your convenience, drop-off appointments are available. A 'drop off' means you could bring your pet at the time that works best for you and leave him/her with us for a couple of hours. Usually we will ask you to drop off sometime in the morning so Dr. Bodie can examine the patient in between appointments or at the time purposely reserved for admitted patients. Once Dr. Bodie has done her full exam, we will give you a call to go over the diagnosis, and confirm a treatment plan with you by phone. We will send home any medications with discharge instructions. For the safety of our staff, and patients in our care, we require that vaccinations be up to date if pets will be staying in the hospital for non emergent purposes.
Payment Policy
We require full payment at the time that services are rendered. For your convenience, we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Cash. Personal checks will only be accepted if the account holder is present with valid photo identification.
We also are happy to accept Care Credit and Scratch Pay.
We do not offer any in-house financing, or payment plan options.
Client Rights & Responsibilities
All clients have the following rights:
•To be treated with respect and compassion by all members of our staff. •To be assured that medical/ personal information is handled in a confidential manner, and to request copies of medical records regarding your pet(s). •To expect and receive appropriate treatment for your pet(s) as determined by our capabilities and our mission statement. •To receive timely and courteous replies to any questions or concerns regarding the quality of care or service you and your pet(s) receive here. •To be informed of any illnesses your pet(s) may have, as well as treatment options available. •To be informed of the costs of evaluation and treatment. •To accept or reject treatments or diagnostic tests for your pet(s). You are not required to hospitalize or to allow any testing or treatment that you do not approve, and you have the right to be informed of the consequences of refusal of treatment or testing.
All clients are expected to accept the following responsibilities:
•To be considerate of other clients whose pets are receiving care here. •To provide all requested health information about your pet(s). •To ask questions if you do not understand instructions or provided information. •To follow the instructions for care of your pet(s) at home, and to make us aware if there are any problems. •To advise us if you have any concerns or are dissatisfied in any way. •To read and acknowledge understanding for signed consent forms and estimates. •To accept the financial obligations agreed to when your animal is seen at our facility. •To arrive on time for each appointment, let us know if you are running late, or call within 24 hours if you need to cancel. •To ensure you are not under the influence of any substances during your visits that impair your ability to provide consent and make decisions.
Client Code of Conduct
We will not accept the following:
•Verbal abuse, malicious or harmful statements about others, or disrespect to staff/ other clients. •Discriminatory comments or actions. •Intimidation tactics and/or threats. •Allowing your pet to threaten, or injure another pet or person. •Public disclosure of another's private information. •Being under the influence of behavior-altering drugs or alcohol. •Failure to comply with requests of our staff. •Failure to agree to the hospital policies listed above. We reserve the right to discontinue services if a client's behavior becomes problematic. These are strictly enforced.
Thank you for your understanding!